The format


ACT Labs are unique events exploring the intersection of human rights, art and technology. In Labs, teams of artists and technologists work together over a weekend to prototype ideas that raise awareness or provide solutions for a specific problem.

A judging panel then awards the best ideas with grants or in-kind support for further development.

We look for ideas that multiply the powers of art and tech​. In past editions, ideas have ranged from immersive, participatory art pieces to apps with a strong art/design component.

The three-day event includes a lot of small group working, mentoring and short focused talks on design-thinking, pitching etc. No panel discussions or podium-talks - the spirit is informal and hands-on.

Now, we’ve opened up the format to global audiences. Our aim is to give tools and a community for people wishing to understand how to use technology and art for social change. We do this by providing guidelines and support on how to organize your own ACT Labs.

ACT Labs events are non-profit. We don’t charge the participants and do not pay for coaches or speakers. Participants don’t need any previous knowledge about the particular social issue and there are no age-limitations.


Access all prototyped ideas here. They are published under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC, that lets others remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit the authors and license their new creations under identical terms.

See featured projects here.


Our philosophy


ACT Labs is based on the principle of multidisciplinary open innovation.

By coupling artists, technologists and social activists, we believe we can create new approaches to raising awareness and providing solutions to some of the world’s leading human rights problems.

We want to empower individuals to see themselves as human rights champions capable of changing the narrative.


Is it for you?


Have you worked on a social issue that just doesn’t seem to be getting that much attention? Is your in-depth research or news on litigation just not getting through to the public? ACT Labs can be organized by anyone wishing to apply technology or art to a pressing social problem.

Some examples of organizers are: non-profit organizations, universities, art or tech communities, cultural centers, startup communities, youth clubs.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to find out more.